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    What are the changes in the packaging trend in 19 years?

    2018-12-12 11:19:31 Announcer:Shenzhen Gathe Printing Co., Ltd. 731

    We were thinking, "Is this kind of design very advertising and how it can be distinguished from similar product designs?when we design" We need to be creative in our design.

    Creative packaging design can make our advantages to become more advantageous! It can be said that packaging design occupies a very high position in the advertising of all products.

    Good packaging can attract more consumers 'attention and increase consumers' desire to buy. Where will 19 years of packaging design to go?

    1.The packaging is simple and have clear information

    The information in the packaging products will be greatly simplified to avoid causing visual problems to consumers, we only need to emphasize the main information of the product; It mainly studies visual communication, sending useful information to consumers and information we want to give , such as the company's brand.


    When it comes to fun, we mainly consider the appearance or shape of the packaging and the appearance of the packaging on the pattern. At this time, our design will combine the packaging pattern type modification packaging, so that the packaging more "ground".


    We design in the form of illustrations to reduce the monotony of the product, so that the packaging can talk to consumers.

    4.The use of color will be more bold and rich.

    The color of packaging has always been used in China's packaging is still relatively cautious, because of custom reasons, different colors are representative of different meanings, affecting the choice of consumers. But this year or two, as packaging becomes more and more personalized, I want to be bold and rich in the use and collocation of color in 19 years of packaging design.

    5.More Personality of Font

    We know that the application of fonts in design is mainly as an elaboration of product information, and the main idea is to introduce the product information more fully; The packaging design text in the back will produce the original function, and he will move closer to the visual element.

    6.Traditional Chinese Culture

    With the increasing influence of Chinese culture in the world, more and more people will learn Chinese culture. They will integrate Chinese traditional culture into packaging design and become one of the important elements in design. Although we can also see some of the packaging design some of the traditional Chinese culture, but not very common.

    7.Presentation of products

    In our lives, we are also common, such as the open-window packaging structure, in our digital packaging box is still used more extensive, such as the opening of a window in the headphone box and the surface of the data line box. The type consumer can see the concrete form of the physical product directly.

    8. Environmental Protection

    The use of environmentally friendly printing materials and environmentally friendly printing inks make the package more conducive to recycling and degradation and protect the ecological environment. This must be the trend of future packaging.

    9.Strong experience

    Our requirement for packaging is not only to be beautiful, but also to be reasonable in structure and convenient in use. Make it more experience, better meet the needs of users.