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    What is the meaning of simple package and completed package?

    2018-12-15 13:38:15 Announcer:Shenzhen Gathe Printing Co., Ltd. 706

    We chose the packaging in order to protect the products we produce from damage. However, packaging is divided into two ways: simple packaging and complex packaging. The former is a simple and convenient packaging method, while the latter is a complicated packaging process and process to add its mystery to the product. In the eyes of our packaging box printing factory, the card box may be a simple package, the complex packaging is those beautiful headsets, data lines, Audio box and custom packaging.For example, a relatively simple data line product with a card box inside the plastic endoster is basically OK, can be considered as a simple packaging. Some such as headphone packaging boxes but also add EVA or Pearl cotton as the inner support, which is a complex packaging.

    The fundamental difference between simple packaging and complexity is that in terms of cost, simple packaging is to reduce the cost of the box printing process through simple packaging, and complex packaging is to increase the added value of the product through high-end and complex packaging, making the product more competitive.. Both approaches seem to us to be right and wrong. They are both based on their own needs, but their needs are different. The purpose of the packaging box printing factory is to realize these different customers 'different needs. Once again, simple packaging and complex packaging are also very different in material quality. Simple packaging is mainly based on card paper, such as single powder, copper plate paper, etc.. Complex packaging is based on gray plates.

    As we have said, although the cost of these two packages is very different, they are inseparable from one point: the function of product protection.

    Customers need to choose the packaging method according to their own needs when choosing packaging. Don't follow blindly.